Ken Frederick


Comics Experience Print Ad

Promotional print ad for Comics Experience. Comics Experience is all about learning how to make comics, and fortunately I had some terrific art assets available to me that showed various stages of putting a comic panel together, from pencils to inks to colors. I decided to start with the finished, colored art, making it big and bold and the centerpiece of the ad. Then I showed the process of inks and pencils, in comic panel format, overlapping the main image to give the ad a sense of dimension.

In addition to the beautiful art, I wanted a big headline to attract the eye and immediately tell the reader what the ad was about. “Learn How To Make Comics” sums up Comics Experience very succinctly. My goal was that even a quick scan of the ad would get the point across.

This ad appeared in issue #1 of C.O.W.L. from Image Comics.

  • Graphic Design
  • InDesign